Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The world is Flat Video

I learned that the United States is not ready for the  world to be flatted and level on terms of communcation. The country has lost its groove since 9/11 happen and is letting china become the top nation of the century. On the date of 8/9/95 the company netscape had started to sell stocks. They came out with the first internet browser. A trillion dollars had gone in to the making of fiber optic cables and resulted in the wiring of the world by accident.

Thomas Freidman is right when he said the  leaders of this country need to go because they only care about them selves and the money they could make. The goverment needs to put more effort on the united states being the first country to make a clean engery. More goverments need to open up free trade to not be greedy a try to make more money.

I'm a bit of everything because we are working with people we do not know. You never know if they can get it done or are even working on the project. It should be a good project even the group is spread around the planet. I'm excited about working with people from across the planet and getting to work with different group of people who have a different way of look at things because they are raised somewhere else on the planet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It is a program on the computer or a ipad, it allows you to take notes on the computer and you can sync the notes between your computer and ipad app. You can also share the notes on the internet with anyone to view. You can create and have muilple notebooks at the same time for different classes. It can be use to keep notes in order and share them with a group of people who you are working with on a project anywhere in the world.

You can place the notes anywhere with out it moving to the left  side of the paper. You can share the notes with anyone by email or posting to the internet for anyone to read. Also you can make notebooks to keep all of the notes in groups of class and dates. It can help students to keep notes in order and teachers to share the notes to the students if they were gone and you can copy in viedos into the notes as well as pictures view.

I like evernote better because all the notes are online and it is easier to share it with the rest of the class and anyone else. Also it goes in order of date created but you can put it in by subject and it is able to be broken into days of class and it can be accessed anywhere via the app and the format is much more user friendly and the notes can be edited to have new notes in the same set of notes at anytime and page of notes can be moved to other notebooks and it does not have to be synced to keep up the computer and moblie app.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Favorite websites

Today I'm posting about some websites I use and which ones  I like the most.

I like to watch the music Videos and do not have to buy it.
It is a good place to watch tv shows you missed during the week.
Is the website of a magazine that is about all the new science infomation that comes out

What is your favorite websites to use and why?